
The Electroplankton universe (エレクトロプランクトン, Electroplankton) is one of the many unique universes represented in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The universe consists of only a single title (excluding the DSiWare re-release, split up as the game's 10 stages for individual sale): a relatively obscure music creation software. Its only representation is a stage, Hanenbow, and a few stickers.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl[]


  • Icon-hanenbow
    Hanenbow: Hanenbow is a secret stage in Brawl representing the Electroplankton universe. It is unlocked by finishing Event 28: Flower Blooms in the Echoes. Hanenbow is the only stage where My Music does not work; the music is generated by the actions of the players and the Hanenbow that fly around the stage. The leaves change color and angle when struck.
ROBSymbolElectroplanktonSymbolDSSymbolBalloonFightSymbolMiscellaneous first-party universes SpecialStagesSymbolNintendogsSymbolPilotwingsSymbolWreckingCrewSymbol
Character R.O.B. (Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Side Characters Assist Trophies Arcade Bunny  · Barbara  · Color TV-Game 15  · Devil  · Dillon  · Dr. Kawashima  · Dr. Wright  · Excitebike  · Helirin  · Infantry and Tanks  · Isaac  · Jill  · Nikki  · Nintendog  · Ray MK III  · Prince of Sablé  · Saki Amamiya  · Sheriff  · Starfy  · Sukapon  · Takamaru  · Vince  · Yuri Kozukata
Mii Fighter Costumes Arcade Bunny  · Barbara  · Chibi-Robo  · Isaac  · Lip  · Ray MK III  · Saki Amamiya  · Takamaru  · Toy-Con Robot  · Vince
Enemies Sneaky Spirit
Stages PictoChat  · Hanenbow  · Balloon Fight  · Living Room  · PictoChat 2  · Pilotwings  · Wrecking Crew
Items Flipper  · Lip's Stick  · Rocket Belt  · Steel Diver  · Super Scope  · Unira
Music List List of Music (Other)
Songs "Balloon Fight Medley"  · "Nintendo Land Medley"  · "PictoChat"
Collectibles Trophies Melee Trophies  · Brawl Trophies  · 3DS Trophies  · Wii U Trophies
Stickers List of Stickers (Other)
Spirits List of spirits (Others)
Related universes R.O.B.  · Balloon Fight  · Electroplankton  · Nintendo DS  · Nintendogs  · Pilotwings  · Wrecking Crew  · List of minor universes